Biomedical Science Letters

eISSN 2288-7415

Table. 10.

Serum Creatinine and BUN levels detected in HFD mice in this study

 Groups Serum levels (mg/dL)

BUN Creatinine
 Intact 32.17±4.54 0.63±0.15
 HFD 81.67±10.17a 1.98±0.21a
 Metformin 62.00±12.55ac 1.52±0.16ac
 Silymarin 56.17±9.06ac 1.40±0.26ac
HBV diluted
 Stock 32.83±5.60c 0.98±0.22bc
 2-fold 40.50±5.39c 1.18± 0.35ac
 4-fold 54.83±12.09ac 1.38±0.25ac

Values are expressed mean ± S.D. of six mice

Abbreviations: HFD, high fat diet; HBV: herbal black vinegar

P<0.01 and bP<0.05 compared with intact control by Least Significant Difference (LSD) test
P<0.01 and dP<0.05 compared with HFD control by LSD test
P<0.01 and fP<0.05 compared with intact control by Mann-Whitney (MW) test
P<0.01 and hP<0.05 compared with HFD control by MW test
Biomed Sci Letters 2018;24:380-9
© 2018 Biomed Sci Letters