Biomedical Science Letters

eISSN 2288-7415

Table. 2.

Effect of MYE on absolute organ weights in normal and high-fat diet-fed rats

Treatmentgroup Organ weight (g)

Liver Lung Kidney Spleen Testis
G1 7.81±0.3 1.80±0.5 1.92±0.3 0.78±0.12 3.31±0.2
G2 7.46±0.2 1.69±0.2 1.89±0.2 0.71±0.11 3.22±0.3
G3 7.71±0.4 1.67±0.3 1.94±0.3 0.71±0.11 3.33±0.4
G4 7.85±0.5 1.79±0.3 1.88±0.3 0.77±0.11 3.33±0.2
G5 7.71±0.7 1.84±0.6 1.95±0.5 0.85±0.15 3.36±0.5
G6 7.85±0.8 1.83±0.7 1.93±0.5 0.86±0.15 3.41±0.5
Biomed Sci Letters 2020;26:75-84
© 2020 Biomed Sci Letters