Biomedical Science Letters

eISSN 2288-7415

Table. 3.

Viability and overgrowth tests after storage at refrigerated and room temperature (The Liquid type)

Organism Type Recovery at concentration of a
105 CFU/mL at (h) 104 CFU/mL at (h) 103 CFU/mL at (h)
5 min 24 hr, 48 hr 5 min 24 hr, 48 hr 5 min 24 hr, 48 hr
RT 4℃ RT 4℃ RT 4℃
Aerobic, facultative anaerobic bacteria
P. aeruginosa A 725 655 142 120 12 13
B 815 648 155 135 15 14
S. pyogenes A 302 316 35 32 4 3
B 319 267 42 30 4 3
S. pneumoniae A 608 758 74 90 9 9
B 749 971 90 107 10 11
H. influenzae A 1389 1311 213 174 20 19
B 1230 1281 183 171 17 17
Anaerobic bacteria
B. fragilis A 1429 1412 313 313 29 28
B 1442 1358 321 314 30 27
P. anaerobius A 1513 1453 226 216 24 23
B 1421 1435 212 216 24 23
F. nucleatum A 1212 1264 244 244 21 20
B 1181 1103 241 205 20 18
C. acnes A 1258 1170 288 253 30 28
B 1241 1162 257 222 25 21
P. melaninogenica A 1111 1419 180 204 20 22
B 1375 1391 213 221 24 24
Fastidious bacteria
N. gonorrhoeae A 1227 956 251 228 29 27
B 1060 869 216 211 27 29

aAverage of triplicate tests in CFU/100 μL. RT, room (ambient) temperature

A and B the date of manufacture and expiration date are different

Biomed Sci Letters 2023;29:249-55
© 2023 Biomed Sci Letters