Biomedical Science Letters

eISSN 2288-7415

Table. 3.

Depression in relation to the general characteristics
Unit: N (%)

Characteristics Depression χ2
No Yes (P*)
Gender Male 2,281 (97.00) 72 (3.0) 46.993 (< 0.001)
Female 2,782 (92.9) 208 (7.1)
Age (yr) 19~44 1,645 (95.7) 75 (4.3) 6.696 (0.057)
45~64 1,889 (94.8) 107 (5.2)
65≤ 1,529 (93.7) 98 (6.3)
Residence Dong 3,935 (94.9) 226 (5.1) 0.366 (0.545)
Eup-myeon 1,128 (95.4) 54 (4.6)
Number of household members 1 806 (94.0) 55 (6.0) 17.106 (0.047)
2 1,731 (93.9) 113 (6.1)
3 1,216 (94.5) 62 (5.5)
4 965 (96.6) 40 (3.4)
5 263 (97.4) 9 (2.6)
6≤ 82 (97.5) 1 (2.5)
Subjective health level Good 1,709 (97.3) 47 (2.7) 68.857 (< 0.001)
Normal 2,373 (95.1) 121 (4.9)
Bad 981 (90.1) 112 (9.9)

*by complex samples chi-square test

Biomed Sci Letters 2023;29:274-9
© 2023 Biomed Sci Letters