Fig. 4. Effect of p53 and MMR on amifostine-induced G2/M cell cycle arrest. Magnitude of change in a amifostine-induced G2/M arrest as a result of p53, MMR or both functions expressed as the under the curve of fraction of cells. HCT116 sublines were exposed to 4.8 mM amifostine for 24 h. The percent o cells in G2/M phase was determines by flowcytometery. Columns represent mean ± SD of 3 different experiments. (a) P=0.0035: comparison the amifostine untreated MMR+/p53+ and the amifostine treated MMR+/p53+ cells (b) P=0.0038: comparison between the amifostine untreated MMR-/p53+ and the amifostine treated MMR-/p53+ cells (c) P= 0.01: comparison between the amifostine untreated MMR-/p53- and the amifostine treated MMR-/p53cells (d) P=0.045: comparison between the amifostine untreated MMR+/p53- and the amifostine treated MMR+/p53cells (e) P=0.008: The G2/M phase was 2.5 fold larger in amifostine-treated HCT116/E6 cells relative to amifostine-treated HCT116+ch3/E6 cells.
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