Biomedical Science Letters

eISSN 2288-7415

Table. 3.

Number of remaining teeth according to general characteristics Uni: N (%)

Characteristics Remaining teeth χ2 (P*)

<20 20≤
Gender Male 368 (11.3) 1664 (88.7) 1.286 (0.230)
Female 441 (12.4) 2235 (87.6)

Age 19~39 0 (0) 1155 (100.0) 1099.318 (<0.001)
40~64 155 (7.1) 1925 (92.9)
65≤ 654 (42.3) 819 (57.7)

Education ≤Elementary 395 (47.1) 421 (52.9) 900.679 (<0.001)
Middle school 110 (25.9) 278 (74.1)
High school 153 (7.7) 1325 (92.3)
College ≤ 67 (3.0) 1787 (97.0)

House income Low 419 (32.7) 577 (67.3) 415.864 (<0.001)
Low-middle 197 (13.0) 932 (87.0)
High-middle 116 (7.5) 1122 (92.5)
High 73 (4.7) 1264 (95.3)

*by complex samples chi-square test

Biomed Sci Letters 2024;30:49-55
© 2024 Biomed Sci Letters