Biomedical Science Letters

eISSN 2288-7415

Table. 4.

Number of remaining teeth according to health-related characteristics Uni: N (%)

Characteristics Remaining teeth χ2 (P*)

<20 <20
Subjective health level Bad 230 (18.8) 672 (81.2) 68.845 (<0.001)
Normal 331 (12.0) 1701 (88.0)
Good 164 (7.5) 1299 (92.5)

Subjective oral health level Bad 456 (22.0) 1160 (78.0) 217.359 (<0.001)
Normal 274 (7.5) 1983 (92.5)
Good 79 (6.0) 756 (94.0)

Perceived stress Low 648 (12.7) 2897 (87.3) 16.000 (<0.001)
High 136 (8.4) 979 (91.6)

Depression No 666 (11.3) 3486 (88.7) 1.124 (0.335)
Yes 38 (13.7) 166 (86.3)

*by complex samples chi-square test

Biomed Sci Letters 2024;30:49-55
© 2024 Biomed Sci Letters