Biomedical Science Letters

eISSN 2288-7415

Table. 4.

Association analysis between the significant four SNPs in the ABO and T2DM-related traits in the Korean population

Traits rs474279 rs657152 rs641943 rs641959

Effect size (β ± s.e) P-value Effect size (β ± s.e) P-value Effect size (β ± s.e) P-value Effect size (β ± s.e) P-value
Blood glucose
Glu0 -1.37±0.41 0.0007 1.32±0.33 7.27E-05 -1.25±0.40 0.0021 -1.18±0.41 0.0040
Glu60 -2.94±1.01 0.0036 1.91±0.82 0.0204 -2.59±1.00 0.0098 -2.31±1.01 0.0225
Glu120 -2.44±0.96 0.0109 1.53±0.79 0.0510 -2.04±0.95 0.0321 -2.13±0.96 0.0271
HbA1C -0.03±0.02 0.0525 0.04±0.01 0.0068 -0.02±0.02 0.1500 -0.03±0.02 0.1226

Blood insulin
Ins0 -0.08±0.09 0.3529 -0.03±0.07 0.6780 -0.06±0.09 0.5100 -0.08±0.09 0.3953
Ins60 0.26±0.60 0.6587 -1.23±0.49 0.0120 0.31±0.59 0.6057 0.41±0.53 0.4957
Ins120 -0.14±0.53 0.7973 -0.94±0.43 0.0299 0.09±0.53 0.8694 0.00±0.53 0.9968

Abbreviations: Glu0, fasting plasma glucose; Glu60, plasma glucose at 60 min; Glu120, plasma glucose at 120 min; HbA1c, glycosylated hemoglobin A1c; Ins0, fasting plasma insulin; Ins60, plasma insulin at 60 min; Ins120, plasma insulin at 120 min; T2DM, type 2 diabetes mellitus

*Statistically significant values (P<0.05) are indicated in bold. Age, sex, body mass index (BMI), and residential area were included as covariates in the additive genetic model

Biomed Sci Letters 2024;30:65-72
© 2024 Biomed Sci Letters