Biomedical Science Letters

eISSN 2288-7415

Table. 1.

Basic distinctive of Normal and T2DM of the Korean Association REsource (KARE) cohort

Characteristics Quantitative trait analysis* Case-control analysis

Normal T2DM P value*
Number of subjects 6,475 5,721 754
Sex (male [%]/female [%]) 3078(47.5)/ 3397(52.5) 2687(47.0)/ 3034(53.0) 391(51.9)/ 363(48.1) 0.137
Age (M ± SD years) 51.60±8.80 51.16±8.68 54.95±9.00 0.104
Body mass index (BMI) (M ± SD kg/m2) 24.44±3.08 24.27±2.99 25.70±3.44 <0.001
Blood glucose (M ± SD mg/dL)
Fasting plasma glucose 85.38±18.90 81.22±6.94 116.92±39.71 <0.001
Plasma glucose after 60 min of OGTT 144.52±53.75 131.60±35.19 242.55±67.37 <0.001
Plasma glucose after 120 min of OGTT 117.48±51.04 103.17±20.62 226.05±46.21 <0.001
Blood insulin (M ± SD IU/mL)
Fasting plasma insulin 7.55±86 7.40±4.70 8.72±5.81 <0.001
Plasma insulin after 60 min of OGTT 31.98±31.68 32.52±31.77 27.88±30.69 0.027
Plasma insulin after 120 min of OGTT 25.83±24.53 25.08±22.72 31.47±34.87 <0.001
HbA1c (%) 5.67±0.73 5.50±0.33 6.97±1.35 <0.001

*Abbreviations: M, mean value; SD, standard deviation; T2DM, type 2 diabetes mellitus; OGTT, oral glucose tolerance test, **Control (normal), Fasting plasma glucose<100 mg/dL and Plasma glucose after 120 min of OGTT<140 mg/dL; Case (T2DM), Fasting plasma glucose≥126 mg/dL or Plasma glucose after 120 min of OGTT≥200 mg/dL or HbA1c≥6.5%, ***Significant differences in characteristics between the normal and T2DM case subjects were determined by the two-tailed Student's t-test

Biomed Sci Letters 2024;30:65-72
© 2024 Biomed Sci Letters