Biomedical Science Letters

eISSN 2288-7415

Table. 2.

The association analysis of SNPs in the ABO gene with the T2DM in the Korean population

No. SNP A1 A2 Function MAF T2DM (Controls 5,721 : Cases 754)

Controls Cases OR (95% CI) Add P
1 rs8176720 C T Synonymous 0.4354 0.4118 0.91 (0.81~1.01) 0.0814
2 rs8176681 C T Intron 0.3066 0.2984 0.96 (0.86~1.08) 0.5152
3 rs514708 T C Intron 0.2243 0.1996 0.86 (0.75~0.99) 0.0300*
4 rs651007 A G Upstream 0.2560 0.2871 1.17 (1.04~1.32) 0.0098*
5 rs672316 C A Intron 0.2247 0.1989 0.86 (0.75~0.98) 0.0236*
6 rs552148 A G Upstream 0.2169 0.1902 0.85 (0.74~0.97) 0.0185*
7 rs474279 T C Intron 0.2201 0.1930 0.85 (0.74~0.97) 0.0161*
8 rs657152 A C Intron 0.4648 0.4987 1.15 (1.04~1.28) 0.0084*
9 rs641943 G A Intron 0.2243 0.1996 0.86 (0.75~0.99) 0.0300*
10 rs8176707 T G Intron 0.0801 0.0699 0.86 (0.69~1.06) 0.1646
11 rs641959 C A Intron 0.2323 0.2080 0.87 (0.76~0.99) 0.0356*

Abbreviations: SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism; T2DM, type 2 diabetes mellitus; A1, minor allele; A2, major allele; MAF, minor allele frequency; OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; Add P, additive genetic model P value

*Statistically significant values (P<0.05) are indicated in bold

Biomed Sci Letters 2024;30:65-72
© 2024 Biomed Sci Letters