Biomedical Science Letters

eISSN 2288-7415

Table. 5.

Factors affecting the practice of medical waste management, Model Ⅲ

Variables Model Ⅲ

B SE β t P VIF
Constant 29.163 8.212 3.551 0.001
Gender 0.485 1.676 0.024 0.289 0.773 1.277
Age (years) 1.177 0.948 0.156 1.242 0.216 2.822
Education 0.804 0.811 0.088 0.991 0.323 1.409
Marital status 2.087 1.489 0.156 1.402 0.163 2.227
Total clinical career (years) 0.536 0.617 0.079 0.868 0.387 1.497
Occupation -0.228 0.694 -0.030 -0.329 0.743 1.466
Educational experience 0.806 1.632 0.040 0.494 0.622 1.153
Have guidelines -0.358 2.268 -0.013 -0.158 0.875 1.125
Container provision 2.128 1.543 0.112 1.379 0.170 1.184
Punishment regulations -1.835 1.277 -0.113 -1.437 0.153 1.114
Knowledge -0.189 0.368 -0.042 -0.513 0.609 1.185
Attitude 0.464 0.078 0.465 5.955 0.000 1.091

F=4.316 (P=0.000), R2=0.290, adjR2=0.223, Durbin-watson=2.072

Footnote: Gender (1=Women, 2=Men), Age (years) (1=≤29, 2=≥30~≤39, 3=≥40), Education (1=≤High school, 2=Junior college, 3= ≥College), Marital status (1=Married, 2=Unmarried), Total clinical career (years) (1=<1, 2=1≤~<5, 3=5≤~<10, 4=≥10), Occupation (1=Nurse, 2=Nurse assistant, 3=Medical engineer), Educational experience (1=Yes, 2=No), Have guidelines (1=Yes, 2=No), Container provision (1=Insufficient, 2=Enough), Punishment regulations (1=Yes, 2=No)

Biomed Sci Letters 2024;30:143-51
© 2024 Biomed Sci Letters