Biomedical Science Letters

eISSN 2288-7415

Table. 1.

List of antibodies used in the present study

Name of antibody Species Dilution ratio Molecular weight (kDa) Supplier (Catalog No.)
PARP Rabbit 1:1,000 89, 116 Cell signaling (9496)
Cleaved caspase 3 Rabbit 1:3,000 17, 19, 32 Cell signaling (9661)
Cleaved caspase 8 Rabbit 1:3,000 18, 41, 43 Abcam (ab227430)
Cleaved caspase 9 Rabbit 1:3,000 35, 37, 47 Cell signaling (9502)
Bax Rabbit 1:3,000 20 Cell signaling (2772)
Bcl2 Mouse 1:1,000 26 Cell signaling (4223)
XIAP Rabbit 1:3,000 53 Cell signaling (2045)
Survivin Rabbit 1:1,000 16 Cell signaling (2808)
GAPDH Mouse 1:1,000 37 Santa Cruz (sc-47724)
Biomed Sci Letters 2024;30:209-18
© 2024 Biomed Sci Letters