Biomedical Science Letters

eISSN 2288-7415

Table. 3.

Complex samples multivariable general linear model regression analysis of factors influencing household PM2.5

Variable Household PM2.5 (µg/m3)
B (95% CI) F P-value
Age 0.067 (–0.060 to 0.194) 1.098 0.296
Sex 2.314 0.130
Female –1.132 (–2.603 to 0.338)
Male 0
Education level 0.265 0.850
College or higher –2.144 (–8.459 to 4.171)
High school –1.534 (–6.262 to 3.194)
Middle school –1.891 (–6.402 to 2.620)
Elementary school or lower 0
Current smoking status 5.504 0.020*
Current 4.411 (0.697 to 8.125)
Non-current 0
Atmospheric PM2.5 0.386 (0.266 to 0.506) 40.385 <0.001**
Floor level –0.254 (–0.438 to –0.070) 7.453 0.007*
Residential floor area –0.065 (–0.105 to –0.025) 10.500 0.001*
Recent home repair 0.457 0.500
Yes 1.657 (–3.187 to 6.502)
No 0
Presence of pet 0.242 0.624
Yes 0.810 (–2.444 to 4.063)
No 0
House cleaning 1.735 0.190
Yes 4.043 (–2.020 to 10.106)
No 0
Use of insecticide 0.041 0.841
Yes –0.289 (–3.127 to 2.549)
No 0
Use of air freshener 1.501 0.222
Yes –1.350 (–3.528 to 0.827)
No 0
Use of air purifier 2.427 0.121
Yes –1.827 (–4.145 to 0.490)
No 0
Use of humidifier 6.885 0.010*
Yes 4.680 (1.157 to 8.204)
No 0
Cooking activity status 5.443 0.021*
Yes 6.370 (0.976 to 11.764)
No 0
Living room-kitchen separation 0.286 0.593
Yes 1.918 (–5.165 to 9.000)
No 0
Window opening or closing status 0.716 0.399
Yes –1.170 (–3.902 to 1.562)
No 0
Residential zoning area 4.203 0.017*
Residential zone 6.298 (1.993 to 10.603)
Urban in non-residential zone 3.258 (–2.604 to 9.119)
Rural in non-residential zone 0

PM2.5, particulate matter 2.5; CI, confidence interval.

*P < 0.05, **P < 0.001.

Biomed Sci Letters 2024;30:264-75
© 2024 Biomed Sci Letters