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In vitro Evaluation of Cytotoxicity and Cell Viability of Ultra-high Molecular Weight Polyethylene for 3D-printed Artificial Joint Manufacturing
Biomed Sci Letters 2024;30:291-297
Published online December 31, 2024;
© 2024 The Korean Society For Biomedical Laboratory Sciences.

Seung-Lim Yoo1,2,§,*, Da-Been Lee1,3,§,**, Min-Gyu Park4,***, Junyeong Lim4,***, Chanwoo Sim4,***, Taeho Yoon4,****, Youngmin Seo4,†,*****, and Dae-Wui Yoon1,2,†,******

1Sleep Medicine Institute, Jungwon University, Goesan 28204, Korea
2Department of Biomedical Laboratory Science, Jungwon University, Goesan 28204, Korea
3Department of Health and Safety Convergence Science, Graduate School, Korea University, Seoul 02841, Korea
4Research Institute, LINKS Co., Ltd., Cheongju 28171, Korea
Correspondence to: Youngmin Seo
Research Institute, LINKS Co., Ltd., 594 Garosu-ro, Gangnae-myeon, Heungedok-gu, Cheongju 28171, Korea
Tel: +82-43-232-1238, Fax: +82-43-232-1239, E-mail:, ORCID:

Dae-Wui Yoon
Department of Biomedical Laboratory Science, Jungwon University, 85 Munmu-ro, Goesan-eup, Goesan 28204, Korea
Tel: +82-43-830-8863, Fax: +82-43-830-8864, E-mail:, ORCID:

*Graduate student, **Post-doctoral researcher, ***Researcher, ****CEO, *****CTO, ******Professor.
§These authors contributed equally to this work.
Received October 4, 2024; Revised November 25, 2024; Accepted November 29, 2024.
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Objectives: Due to various issues associated with materials currently used for artificial joint production, there is a growing need for the development of materials that can overcome these limitations and exhibit high biocompatibility. The objective of this study was to evaluate the biocompatibility of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) as a material for 3-dimensional (3D)-printed artificial joint manufacturing.
Methods: UHMWPE was compared to commonly used metals, including Pure-Ti and Ti-6Al-4V, to assess its potential suitability for use in 3D-printed artificial joint. L-929 mouse fibroblast cells were cultured and exposed to UHMWPE, Pure-Ti, and Ti-6Al-4V discs. An agar overlay assay and MTT assay were conducted to assess cytotoxicity and cell viability. Zone index and lysis index were measured from culture dishes stained with neutral red, using a vernier caliper and microscope. Decolorization zones around the discs were measured to calculate zone index, and the lysis index was assessed to quantify cell death. Additionally, MTT assays were performed to measure cell viability compared to a control group. The cell response was determined by considering both the zone index and the lysis index.
Results: UHMWPE, Pure-Ti, and Ti-6Al-4V showed no significant cytotoxicity, with no decolorization zones or lysis observed in the agar overlay assay. The MTT assay also showed no statistically significant differences in the cell viability among the three discs.
Conclusion: Therefore, UHMWPE is a biocompatible material for 3D-printed artificial joint manufacturing, showing no significant cytotoxicity or reduction in cell viability.
Keywords : Artificial joints, Biocompatible materials, Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene, Cytotoxicity tests, 3D printing